Wharf Dehire Fee Price Increase

Wharf Dehire Fee Price Increase


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for partnering with Kenter and your continued business.

DP World Has Announced Landside Fee Increases from 1 January 2024

DP World Australia (DPWA) has issued 60-day Notices of Intention to increase landside fees at each of its Terminals in Australia from 1 January 2024 to the below amounts.

The Notices for each Terminal can be downloaded below:

All DPWA Notices are also available directly from the DP World Customer Portal at: https://customer.dpworld.com.au/caremore/login – scroll down to “Public Tarriff Schedule”.

In addition, Notices have been issued stating that following the introduction of a calibrated weighing device (PONDUS) in Melbourne earlier this year, PONDUS devices will be implemented in DPWA’s Sydney and Fremantle Terminals in the first half of 2024 (dates to be confirmed).

A “Weight Misdeclaration Fee” will be applied on laden import units having an absolute weight variance greater than (+/-) one metric tonne compared to declared weight (VGM recorded by the shipping line):

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to working with you.

Warm regards,


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